Hanging in the Park

Hey everyone!

I hope y’all had a great Thanksgiving and enjoyed the holiday with friends and family.

We are here in Mexico, recovering from the triple work of making Thanksgiving dinner without all the short cuts, boxed mixes, and canned goods! It sure makes you appreciate something when you can no longer access it, lol. Our pumpkin pie was courtesy of my mom, who brought down lots of pumpkin-flavored, preservative-filled goodies, and it was wonderful! We had a great pre-Thanksgiving visit with Mom this past weekend…

Here is a shot from one of our last outings. =) But more on that later…

The Thanksgiving holiday is a great time to reflect on the people, experiences, and things that have blessed our lives. While giving thanks every day is a wonderful habit to keep things in perspective, sometimes there are still little things that slip under the radar… Like, say, slides, for example. We all take for granted that parks will have slides, especially if the ladder for climbing up to the top of the slide is present, right? Nope, not always… So be thankful for the slides too! Anyway, the weather is great here, the parks are everywhere, and all the slides are missing! This is my first-ever vlog… I loved it and look forward to making more, so keep an eye out for future videos documenting the curiosities and nuances of life in Mexico.


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